Scheduling can be daunting. On many occasions it is not a straightforward thing. Once you get a schedule a tiny thing comes up and you have to change things again. When scheduling you have to keep a lot of factors in mind, such as the availability of your machines, the skills of your resources, the priority of the production order, the existence of the material requirements, the shop floor working hours, the machine preparation, among many other things.
Here is where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central comes to save you. But then two pieces are missing, which is why we came into the formula as well.
An ERP like Business Central is perfect for gathering the master data and information you need to start scheduling. In fact, we can call it an all-in-one ERP solution. It provides you with a vast list of manufacturing capabilities out of the box. Which is why we consider it great.
Because it is simply a great tool. As you may know, or you consultant mentioned already, some examples of what you can achieve with Business Central are:
With this, we go our next question.
Because a couple of pieces are missing in the puzzle. I know this does not sound like a comment someone who sells a niche product for it should say, but I have my reasons. Business Central has two significant issues we came across with:
At NETRONIC we took care of this and minimized the controversy by supercharging Business Central.
We developed the first finite capacity visual scheduler fully integrated into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central which we named Visual Advanced Production Scheduler (VAPS).
With the VAPS we added functionalities to the proven manufacturing capabilities of Business Central.
Let is have a quick recap on how the VAPS works.
Business Central traditionally works with the presumption of infinite (machine) capacity, which means that the machines can be overloaded easily; unlike this premise, finite capacity translates to restricted machine capabilities. Our assumption is to have a capacity of 1 per machine center. In other words, this implies that at any given point in time, each machine will only operate on one operation.
Finite capacity scheduling makes sure the machine centers do not get assign more production orders than what they can handle. To achieve this, an automatic recalculation of the entire schedule will occur whenever a change applies. This principle applies to all routings: whether it is a simplex routing, a complex one, a serial or parallel routing. The VAPS may push operations in time to postpone their start according to the set up the planner has decided. Here is a quick snap:
Yes! In general, this depends a lot on your production requirements, but I can bet the VAPS can help you big time. Does this sound like a tool you could use? Even better, would you like to see the VAPS with your own orders? You can register for our finite capacity assessment workshop (priced $2,500 USD).
Or, if you are not sure if this is the right time to take that step, you can take a couple of free steps in between.